SALT Core Values and Objectives:
Teach a Biblical way of life:
Educate by teaching Biblical financial principles while providing systems which help people develop and manage what God has given them. Our desire is to promote strong families and local churches.
Long-term Sustainability:
Our goal is to walk with people till they learn a sustainable way of life. We desire that people leave our programs with an understanding of what it looks like to follow Jesus Christ, and equipped to provide the basic natural necessities for their own families.
Asset Based Stewardship:
We desire to see people focusing on utilizing the resources God has placed in their care, rather than focusing on what they lack.
Christian Compassion:
All programs are intended to show compassion for the poor, and leave the clients better than when they entered the program.
Teach Responsibility:
We charge small administration fees for services rendered to teach responsibility, and to show clients they are capable of giving and not just receiving.Our goal is to never do for a client what they can do for themselves.
Systems with Accountability:
Our desire is that every level of every program be held accountable. We work with missions and clients who are willing to abide by our Standard Operating Procedures.
Absolute Integrity:
Our goal is to teach and operate with integrity in all of our programs.
S- Shared
A- Accountability
L- Lending
T- Teaching
The sense of the acronym is that the mission of this organization is to teach people to develop community through mutual accountability in resource management.
The SALT Program works with people according to its vision, which is:
We understand man according to the Bible
God created man in His own image and after His own likeness. Gen 1:26-27
God entrusted man with certain responsibilities. Gen 1:28; Gen 2:15
Man lost his relationship with God, and the image of God in man was marred because of disobedience. In the same way too, man lost his relationship with himself. Gen 3:1-13
In the punishment for sin, the relationship between man and his fellow, and the relationship between man and creation were destroyed. Gen 3:14-21
Because of man’s choice, God was obligated to send man from His presence, and eventually the man died. Gen 3:22-24; Gen 5:5
We understand that the ultimate happiness for man is when what was lost in Adam is restored in Jesus Christ
Relationship of man with God
Relationship of man with himself
Relationship of man with man
Relationship of man with the rest of creation
We understand, according to God’s plan, for this redemption to become a reality
Each person must take personal responsibility in the reconciliation process
The sacrifice of Christ is for all, whosoever will repent and come to God
Everyone has abilities and God has entrusted each person with talents
We shall each give an account before God for what we have done in the body
God intends for man to live in community, where we find strength, resources and counsel to live as men and to accomplish the will of God
Everyone can and should contribute to the good of others
As equals, there is neither superior nor inferior; we do not do for others what they can do for themselves, however the strong should support the weak. Each person has areas of weakness, this makes us interdependent, but when the dependency of man upon others becomes abnormal development will stop.
As part of the human family, we will give an account to God for those living around us, how we have lived with our neighbors.
Rather than focusing on what we don’t have, we must use wisely what we do have to improve and develop it to become more productive.